Monday, September 2, 2013

How NOT to Make Cherry Pie

        Daddy and I had not been married very long when I decided to make him a cherry pie. Cherry pie was and still is a favorite of his. Grace loves cherry pie as well. I made my crust from scratch and carefully assembled my cherry pie. I baked it to perfection and was so proud to present it to him. I anxiously awaited his compliments because I just knew he was going to love it. Funny though, no compliments sprung forth. I couldn't leave well enough alone so I asked what he thought of my delicious creation. He had the nerve to say that it wasn't as good as his mom's cherry pie. As I live and breathe I can say it is nothing short of a miracle that we are still married. I was devastated. But, you know what? I dusted off my pride and asked my mother-in-law how she made cherry pie. Turns out she didn't use canned cherry pie filling. Ouch!  From that day on neither did I!
 So here is my recipe for cherry pie:

Pastry for a 2 crust pie
1 cup of sugar
1/3 cup flour
2 cans of pitted tart cherries, packed in water and drained
1/4 tsp almond extract
2 tbsp butter

Preheat oven to 425
Mix sugar, flour, cherries and almond extract
Line a pie plate with pastry and then pour in the cherry mixture. Dot with butter. Cover with the second piece of pastry. Seal the edges and flute. Cut slits in the top to allow the steam to escape.  Bake until golden brown and the juice begins to bubble up through the slits, 35-40 minutes. Cool and enjoy. Your husband will love it. Mine does!
*This recipe was adapted from Betty Crocker's Cookbook New and Revised Edition Copyright 1978

Note: When I was a full time homemaker I used to make my crust from scratch. This modern grandma is busier than ever these days so lately I have discovered that Trader Joe's makes an excellent pie crust which can be found in their freezer section.

What I didn't know in my early years of marriage was that my mother-in-law was a pie maker extraordinaire. As time went on I began to realize that she was no ordinary pie maker. Pies were her specialty and we all looked forward to them. Sadly, Mama Ann is no longer with us but the memory of her delicious pies lives on.

"2007 - These are the last Thanksgiving pies my mom baked this side of heaven. She had very little use of her hands by then, so I know it was very difficult for her. My mom made the world's best pies - we all started craving them every year weeks before Thanksgiving." -Gail Knuth Clayworth

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