In Church on Sunday we were asked to fill out a survey about ourselves. For the first time ever I checked "empty nest" for my season in life. Those words have been cropping up a lot lately. I can't seem to get them off my mind.
When I look through the picture window in my living room I see the beautiful maple tree that we planted in the spring ten years ago. It was ten years ago this past February my father died. We planted that tree in his memory. I have watched it grow ever since. It is a refuge for several kinds of birds and every spring without fail we have baby birds. This spring is no different. It is not unusual to see a mama bird feeding her little fledgling. Unfortunately, it is also not unusual to see a fledgling that has fallen from the nest and is at a loss for what to do. Sometimes you can hear the mother bird let out a distress signal which is meant to call attention away from the fledgling and back to herself in an attempt to protect her baby. Last weekend my youngest found a fledgling that had fallen from the nest and had hopped into the shade underneath our old pick up truck. All of my girls are tenderhearted, and Natalie is no different. She wanted to do something to help the little bird so we did a little research and discovered that the best thing was to leave the little guy alone and wait for his mama to coach him back to the nest. We kept a watchful eye on him from a distance and as the afternoon wore on it was apparent that the mama bird was not able to rescue her baby. The little fledgling died underneath the old pickup truck. I thought to myself that the little bird left the comfort of his nest too soon.
When I look through the picture window in my living room I see the beautiful maple tree that we planted in the spring ten years ago. It was ten years ago this past February my father died. We planted that tree in his memory. I have watched it grow ever since. It is a refuge for several kinds of birds and every spring without fail we have baby birds. This spring is no different. It is not unusual to see a mama bird feeding her little fledgling. Unfortunately, it is also not unusual to see a fledgling that has fallen from the nest and is at a loss for what to do. Sometimes you can hear the mother bird let out a distress signal which is meant to call attention away from the fledgling and back to herself in an attempt to protect her baby. Last weekend my youngest found a fledgling that had fallen from the nest and had hopped into the shade underneath our old pick up truck. All of my girls are tenderhearted, and Natalie is no different. She wanted to do something to help the little bird so we did a little research and discovered that the best thing was to leave the little guy alone and wait for his mama to coach him back to the nest. We kept a watchful eye on him from a distance and as the afternoon wore on it was apparent that the mama bird was not able to rescue her baby. The little fledgling died underneath the old pickup truck. I thought to myself that the little bird left the comfort of his nest too soon.
Matthew 29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
That got me to thinking about my own fledgling who is trying her wings. For a brief moment I wondered if she was leaving the nest too soon, but I think it is time for her to try her wings. I'm excited to see where they will take her. I take comfort in knowing that her Father will walk along side her. She is even more valuable to Him than she is to me.
Some may think the picture of the empty nest looks lonely. I see it as inviting with room to share!
I love your new blog! Your heart is shown with a true love for your family & a love for God! Have fun! Amy J. (Katie's friend :))
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