Thursday, February 20, 2020

It's raining cats and dogs

I don't know why we have so many pets. Oh wait a minute, yes I do! I think we are running halfway house for rejected cat(s) and dogs. (We are full up so don't get any ideas) My diabolical cat and I have grown to have a love/hate relationship over the years. Admittedly more hate than love. You'd think by now he'd have outgrown the need to ambush me. Not so. Every single evening when I settle onto the couch to watch TV or read he decides he must spend time with me. If I'm reading, of course he must try to sit between the book and my eyes. If I push him away he attacks me. If I'm watching TV he must sit on my lap however, I may not move an inch or I'm toast again. I can't win! I used to love cats but when Henry takes his final resting place in our backyard cemetery I think I'll be happy to live out the rest of my life without another cat. As my luck goes he will outlive me and I will have no peace.

Trust me. Looks can be deceiving.

Our two dogs are neurotic. They were both rescued from the local humane society. They both have separation anxiety. For some reason I am their person. When I am home they are at my feet ALL DAY LONG! I can't even go to the bathroom without them. If the door doesn't latch Gilbert follows me in and sits next to the toilet. If the door latches then they are both waiting for me when I open it. If I sew they are right beside my sewing table, when I cook they join me in the kitchen. Wherever I am they are there. Don't get me wrong. They are sweet pups but they are so needy. They need to protect me from everything, the mailman, the FEDex man, the UPS guy, the doorbell, the neighbor in his backyard, the wind, the squirrels, every person who has ever dared to walk down our street . . . oh you know. Everything! They are very barky. They think that barking makes us all feel better. You want to know a secret? It really doesn't. It makes me cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! I do love them, quirks and all, I  just wish they weren't quite so barky and needy.

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